
Bryttisce cempan mid Argentiniscum herenumum in Stanleag Hyð, 1982
Germanisc herenuman in Flæmingalande, 1917

Herenuma is mann þone feondþreat hæfþ in ƿige genumen. He is be fiende in clūstore geheald oþ sƿylce gūð is beendod.

Ingeardagum ƿæron herenuman in sārƿrace gehealden; Crēcas and Rōmƿare geþeoƿed hiera numan and þās þrǣlas in hæftedome healdon oð dēaþe and in manigum yldum mōt man slēan hiera herenuman oððe hie in dimhūse healdan. In ingeƿinne geþrangon ælc healf hiere andsacan sƿa sƿa sƿican.

Rīce heoldaþ genuman feohtan and oðer fæst in clome for sundrum gerādum, rihtum and unrihtum. Hit heoldaþ herenuman sundorlice of feohtan giet on þæm ƿælfelde þe sƿylce numan mōtan hie aliesan and hie sendan hām ongean in ge-fædlícum ƿīse æfter gūþe ende. Geald heoldþ hit hie þe hit mōt sƿutelan his cræft in sige. Rīce ƿille geƿitnan oððe gecƿylman his gefangen menn, oððe sēcan mæl ƿiþ him for ƿigfirnum. Rīces mōt hie exploit them for their labour, to recruit or even conscript hie on þæs rīces āgan healf, to gadrienne cūþe of him, and to giefenne in hie nīƿe lār and liefe in hiere rīcecræft oððe ǣfæstnesse.

Todæg be irmenforemæle eall rīce ƿeddiað ðe hie ne sceal mistūcian herenuman ac healdan him oð friþtīd and him āliesan.

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