Sēo Lundenbyrig sind þā currenta 32 ġemǣnra hīrƿīsendestowa þe samod mid þǣre Cēastre Lunden ġecȳþað þæt administrative āre of Mǣrelunden, Englaþēod; ǣlċ is ġehīredstōl bī Lunden burh hīrƿīsan. Sēo nūwīlende Lundenbyrig wǣron ealle ġesett æt þǣm ilcan tīman swā Mǣrelunden on 1 April 1965 þurh þone Lunden Rīcscipe Æðelu 1963 (c. 33) and sind ān gecynd of ġemǣnlic rīcscipe hīrƿīsendestowa. Twelf wǣron ġeġeornode swā Innera Lundenbyrig and twentig swā Uttera Lundenbyrig. Sēo Cēastre Lunden, þæt hīstorica midleard, is ān sundorġesett hlāforddōmscir and sui generis ġemǣnlic rīcscipe hīrƿīsendestow þæt ġeƿyrceþ swiþe oþerlic fram Lundenbyrig. Hwæðere, þā tū scīra samod becumaþ þæt administrative āre of Mǣrelunden swāwel swā þæt Lunden Gecynde, eall þæt is ēac ġehīredstōl bī þǣm Mǣrelunden Hēafodġewald, under þǣm Burgealdor Lundenes.
Sēo Lundenbyrig hæfþ buendan betwux 150,000 and 400,000. Innera Lundenbyrig offriþ tō bēon smǣlran, on bǣm buendum and ǣre, and mā þīeclice ġebūged þonne Uttera Lundenbyrig. Sēo Lundenbyrig wǣron ġesette þurh ġeġeadorung flocca formerra ġemǣnlicra rīcscipe endemesta. Ān ġehīerednes ġeworht betwux 1987 and 1992 ġelǣdde tō ġehwilcum smǣlum andgytum on burh ġemǣru. Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum ġesylþ þā māndrihten þāra ġemǣnlicra rīcscipe þeowunga (lēornernunge, wǣstem weorc, ġesibþe þeowunga, bōcgaderunga), on ongēan þone foresprecan Mǣrelunden Hēafodġewald, þē hæfþ ġemǣnedne anweald ofer eall Mǣrelunden.
Sēo hīrƿīsanum wǣre first elected on 1964, and acted as shadow authorities until 1 April 1965. Ǣlċ burh is divided into electoral wards, subject to periodic review, for þe purpose of electing hīrƿīsanlors. Þēodġerȳne gecēosungas take place every four years, wiþ þe most recent gecēosungas on 2022, and þe next gecēosungas due on 2026. Sēo political make-up of Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum is dominated bī þē Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat parties. Tƿentig ond eahta hīrƿīsanum follow þē leader and cabinet model of executive governance, while five have directly elected burgealdors (Croydon, Hackney, Lewisham, Newham, and Tower Hamlets). Sēo City of Lunden is instead gehīredstōlum bī þe City of Lunden Corporation (and þe Innera and Middel Tempels, which are not gehīredstōlum bī þē City of Lunden Corporation).