

Swatdenu in Pacistane
Pacistanes stede mid his crafungum
Pacistanes stede mid his crafungum
Heafodstol Islamabad
Ealdor Asif Ali Zardari
Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif
Bradnes 881,913±1 km²
Feoh Pakistani rupee
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC+05:00, Asia/Karachi
Wægnplatung PK
Webbnamena tægl .pk
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +92

Pacistan is land on Asie. Hē licþ betƿeox Indealand, þæt is sūþēastƿeard, and Afghanistan and Persealand. Pacistan is dǣl þæs Indiscan Healfƿorulddǣles. Hits heafodburg is Alladōmburg.

Beforan 1947 ƿæs Pacistan Indie dǣl, and þæs Indiscan Casererīces. Þǣr Bretene onsting endede in þǣm gēare gestaðoled man Pacistan sƿā eard for þǣm Mohammediscum menn þāra norþƿesternan landa and on ēasternum Bengale. Þā land on Bengale (þā ƿǣron Ēast Pacistan) ābracon of Ƿest Pacistan in 1971 and ƿeardon Bængladesc cyneƿīse. "Ƿest Pacistan" ƿeard "Pacistan".

Þeodacynewisan rice
Antigua and Barbuda • Australia • Þā Bahamas • Barbados • Bængladesc • Belīs • Botswana • Brunei • Camerun • Canada • Cenia • Cipros • Dominica • Seo Gambia • Geāned Cynerīce • Fanuatu • Ficgīege • Ghana • Grenadieg • Guyana • Halga Uincentius and þa Grenadingas • Iamaica • Indea • Kiribas • Lesotho • Malawi • Malægsia • Maldifīega • Mauritius • Melita • Mosambice • Namibia • Nauru • Nigeria • Nīwe Sǣland • Pacistan • Papua Nīw Guinea • Rwanda • Sambia • Samoa • Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis • Sancte Lucia • Segscelliega • Sierra Leone • Singapore • Salomon Īege • Sūðaffrica • Swasaland • Tansania • Tāprabane • Tonga • Tufalu • Þrines and Tobāgo • Uganda

Land on Asie

AfghanistanArmeniaAserbaiganBahrainBængladescBhutanBruneiBurmaCambodiaCasahstanCatarCīnaCirgisstanCorēaCuƿaitĒasttimorFietnamFilippinīegaGeānedu Arabisc BregorīcuGemenGeorgiaIndeaIndonesiaIracIsrahēlIapanIordanrīceLaolandLibanusMalægsiaMaldifīegaMongollandNepalOmanPacistanPalestīnPersealandRussland1Saudisc ArabeaSingaporeSyriaTacgicastanTæġlandTāprabaneTurcmenistanTyrcland1Usbecastan

1 Dæl þisses landes is on Europan

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