

Heafodstol Tashkent
Brego Shavkat Mirziyoyev
Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Nigmatovich Aripov
Bradnes 448,978 km²
Feoh Uzbekistani som
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC+05:00, Asia/Samarkand, Asia/Tashkent
Wægnplatung UZ
Webbnamena tægl .uz
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +998

Usbecistan (Ўзбекистон Республикаси) is rīce on Middelasie, hwǣrin wonað Usbece ðēod. Hēr spricþ man þone Usbecisc sprǣc se is Turcisc gereord, ac ēac in þisses landes sūðdǣl wonað Tacgice þe spricaþ Persisc.

Þis land hæfþ mearcas wiþ Casahstan be norþen, Cirgisstan and Tacgicastan be ēasten and wiþ Afghanistan and Turcmenistan be sūþen. It is Asie ān twāfealde landgelucen rīce, forþǣm þe hit hæfð gemearcas wiþ nān ac landgelocnum rīcum; in þǣre worulde sind Usbecistan and Leohtenstan anhagan in þisse wise.

Se westdǣl þisses landes in Caracalpacstan, se is þæt "Swearthætberenda land".

Beforan þǣm geare 1991 ƿæs Usbecistan Sofiet Gesamnunge dǣl forðæm ðe hæfdon Russe eall þæt land gehiersumodon in þǣm nigontienoþ gearhund.

Samarcanda þǣre mǣre, gamle ceaster þæs Seolcweges, in on Usbecum.

Flag of CIS Frēorīcena Cyneƿīse
Afghanistan • Azerbaijan • Casahstan • Cirgisstan • Earmenia • Hƿītrussland • Moldofa • Russland • Tacgicastan • Turcmenistan • Usbecastan

Land on Asie

Afghanistan • Aserbaigan • Bahrain • Bængladesc • Bhutan • Brunei • Burma • Cambodia • Casahstan • Catar • Cīna • Cirgisstan • Corēa • Cuƿait • Earmenia • Ēasttimor • Fietnam • Filippinīega • Geānedu Arabisc Bregorīcu • Gemen • Georgia • Indea • Indonesia • Irac • Israhēl • Iapan • Iordanrīce • Laoland • Libanus • Malægsia • Maldifīega • Mongolland • Nepal • Oman • Pacistan • Palestīn • Persealand • Russland1 • Saudisc Arabea • Singapore • Syria • Tacgicastan • Tæġland • Tāprabane • Tyrcland1 • Turcmenistan • Usbecastan •

1 Dæl þisses landes is on Europan

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