Democratic Federal Macedonia (1944–1946) Демократска Федерална Македонија Demokratska Federalna MakedonijaPeople's Republic of Macedonia (1946–1963) Народна Република Македонија Narodna Republika MakedonijaSocialist Republic of Macedonia (1963–1991) Социјалистичка Република Македонија Socijalistička Republika MakedonijaRepublic of Macedonia (1991) Република Македонија Republika Makedonija
Second World War memorial - Memorial Ossuary Kumanovo. Celebrating the Yugoslav Partisan movement became one of the main components of the post-World War II Macedonian culture.Monument of Lazar Koliševski in his hometown Sveti Nikole. Kolishevski was the first Prime Minister of the SR Macedonia.
Geographically, SR Macedonia bordered Albania to the west, Greece to the south and Bulgaria to the east. Within Yugoslavia, it bordered SR Serbia (including SAP Kosovo) to the north. It was one of two constituent republics of Yugoslavia that were landlocked.
^Веднаш штом е завршено штембилувањето на бугарските левови и албанските лекови, со цел упростување на валутното прашање во Македонија, лековите се заменети со левови. За тоа повереникот за финансии при Президиумот на АСНОМ реферира пред претставниците на народноослободителните одбори на конференцијата што е одржана во ослободено Скопје во врска со финансиските проблеми. На тој начин, штембилуваниот лев остана единствена валута на подрачјето на Македонија... Види и Закон за курсевите за повлекување на окупационите банкноти и за регулирање на обврските (Сл. лист на ДФЈ“, број 23 од 19 април 1945). For more see: ASNOM vo sozdavanjeto na državata na makedonskiot narod. Referati od naučen sobir održan od 29 do 31 oktomvri 1984 godina vo Skopje (1987) Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, str. 380.
^Howard M. Berlin (2015) World Monetary Units. An Historical Dictionary, Country by Country. McFarland Incorporated, ISBN9781476606736, p. 100.
^Bulgarian currency had been used by the short-lived pro-German puppet government in the autкmn of 1944. After the capture of Skopje in November 1944, the new Macedonian authorities confiscated лв.430 million, stamps, and other securities from the former Bulgarian National Bank building. They refused to give the funds to Sofia, and General Damyan Velchev ordered a Bulgarian artillery regiment to return from South Serbia to shell Skopje and confiscate the funds. The order was rescinded after the intervention of Marshal of the Soviet UnionFyodor Tolbukhin, preventing an armed conflict. For more see: Добрин Мичев, Македонският въпрос и българо-югославските отношения: 9 септември 1944-1949, Унив. изд-во "Св. Климент Охридски", 1994, ISBN9540701821, стр. 119.
^According to the article, the author of which is a Bulgarian banking expert and doctor of finance, the used Bulgarian banknotes were stamped with the inscription: Democratic Federative Yugoslavia Finance Commission for Macedonia. When withdrawing at the beginning of September 1944, the Bulgarian authorities took the available banknotes to the headquarters of the Bulgarian National Bank in Skopje. However, the Bulgarian currency remained in circulation under German occupation. By order of Adolf-Heinz Beckerle, additional quantities lev were printed at the German Reich printing house in Berlin, where the Bulgarian banknotes were printed, and were sent to Macedonia. For more: Костадин Христов, За първите македонски банкноти. Управление на риска ООД, 20.09.2017 г.
^In April 1945 war - time and pre - war currencies were called in and replaced by a new dinar with an exchange rate of one new to ten old dinars. For more: Clifford Darby (1966) Short History of Yugoslavia, Cambridge University Press, ISBN9780521046763, p. 237.
^Tomasevich, Jozo (2002) War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: Occupation and Collaboration. Stanford University Press. ISBN9780804779241, p. 705.