You must write in a non-promotional tone. Articles must be neutral and encyclopaedic, with verifiable facts, not opinions or reviews.
There shouldn't be any URL links in the article, only in the "References" or "External links" sections.
You must not copy text from elsewhere. Copyrighted text is not allowed in Wikipedia, as outlined in this policy. That applies even to pages created by you or your organisation, unless they state clearly and explicitly that the text is public domain. We require that text posted here can be used, modified and distributed for any purpose, including commercial; text is considered to be copyright unless explicitly stated otherwise. There are ways to donate copyrighted text to Wikipedia, as described here; please note that simply asserting on the talk page that you are the owner of the copyright, or you have permission to use the text, isn't sufficient.
Before attempting to write an article again, please make sure that the topic meets the notability criteria linked above, and check that you can find independent third party sources. Also read Your first article. You must also reply to the COI request above.
Template documentation
This template should always be substituted (i.e., use {{subst:Uw-coi-warn}}). Any accidental transclusions will be automatically substituted by a bot.
How to use:
{{subst:Uw-coi-warn|COI type (declared, undeclared, or biography)}} references a specific COI type (declared, undeclared, or biography)
{{subst:Uw-coi-warn|COI type (declared, undeclared, or biography)|Additional text}} adds text onto the end of the message
Please remember to substitute the template using {{subst:Uw-coi-warn}} rather than {{Uw-coi-warn}}.
To give greater detail to your message, you may add the COI type (declared, undeclared, or biography) and some additional text to the end of the template. If such COI type (declared, undeclared, or biography) or additional text includes a URL or anything which includes an equal sign ("="), it may break the parser's function unless you prefix the COI type (declared, undeclared, or biography) or the text with a named template parameter. Use "1=" if the COI type (declared, undeclared, or biography) contains an equals sign and use "2=" if the additional text contains an equals sign (such as a URL).
Please refer to the index of message templates before using any template on user talk pages to warn a user. Applying the best template available for your purpose may help reduce confusion from the message you are sending.
Find examples of this template substed onto User talk pages using this advanced search link. (Patience; this may take a while.)
This standardized template conforms to guidelines by the user warnings project. You may discuss the visual appearance of these standardized templates (e.g. the image in the top-left corner) at the user warning talk page.